Access to Better Time

Category : Ensuring Equitable Access and Implementation

Level : School

To what extent is time used successfully, and how does it provide opportunity for a broad range of teaching and learning?

Additional learning time is effective only if that time is well spent. Broadening the curriculum to include an array of learning opportunities (beyond those academic areas that are subject to accountability assessments) and the use of a variety of pedagogies and curriculums that meet the needs of students is key to the more and better learning time approach. Time well spent can improve learning conditions and academic outcomes for students.

  • Evidence exists of:
    – Teacher-centered learning
    – Student-centered learning
    – Relevant non-instructional tasks
    – Project-based learning
    – Opportunities for self-directed learning
    – Individualized support/remediation/tutoring
    – A culturally relevant curriculum
    – A broader curriculum (arts, science, physical education, history, etc.)
    – Work-based learning opportunities