Access to More Time

Category : Ensuring Equitable Access and Implementation

Level : School

To what extent is time used to provide students with an opportunity to experience a broad range of teaching and learning?

There is an unequal and growing gap in students’ access to expanded learning time and opportunity. Students from affluent families often benefit from expanded learning time opportunities (e.g., music lessons, summer camps, travel, paid tutors), while students from less-affluent families do not have similar opportunities. Expanded learning opportunities can enrich a students’ learning and development and provide a productive environment for more hours of the day, or more days of the year. The traditional school calendar is a relic of the agrarian age; expanding the school calendar can increase students’ educational opportunities and help move our school system into the 21st century.

  • There is evidence that learning time supports MBLT goals through the following measures:
    – Number of days students are in school per year
    – Number of hours in the school day
    – Number of hours spent in math and reading per day
    – Number of hours spent in electives and non-traditional experiences per week
    – Number of hours spent in after- or before-school activities per week
    – Number of hours (per week) spent in intervention or acceleration activities