Teacher Engagement & Satisfaction

Category : Ensuring Equitable Access and Implementation

Level : School

To what extent do teachers demonstrate engagement in their students’ learning and satisfaction with more and better learning time implementation?

An empowering, satisfying work environment for teachers can translate into an enriching, successful learning environment for students. Schools that provide opportunities for teachers to continue developing their craft, contribute to their school as partners, and hear and respond to the recommendations and critiques of colleagues can increase their satisfaction (and hence, minimize teacher mobility and absenteeism). Examining the causes for teacher departures from the school (e.g., exit interviews) and taking action in remedying any recurring problems at the school can increase learning time.

  • Teachers support different staffing and work-day approaches.
  • Teachers are involved in designing and implementing more and better learning time.
  • Teacher mobility rates are low.
  • Teacher retention rates are high.
  • Teacher attendance rates are high.