School Relationships

Category : Ensuring Equitable Access and Implementation

Level : Student or School

To what extent do students have the opportunity to develop relationships with teachers and educators?

Positive adult role models and relationships can have a lasting impact on youth by increasing their trust and willingness to explore new topics, engaging them in their learning, and increasing their support system. Unfortunately, many under-served youth feel that teachers and other adults don’t care about them, and they lack access to mentorship opportunities often available to more affluent students. It’s important to provide all students with access to positive adult role models who can respond to their academic and social needs.

  • Students feel that teachers and other caring adults know and respond to their individualized academic and socio-emotional needs.
  • Students have access to mentorship opportunities (within or outside of the school).
  • Students feel that mentors work to increase their knowledge of career and college preparation and opportunities.