Student Academic Knowledge

Category : Preparing Students for College, Career and Civic Life

Level : Student

To what extent are students acquiring and applying the knowledge they need for future success in school, career and civic life? How are students performing across multiple academic measures?

Course completion, GPA, college knowledge, and college-going rates should be measured alongside standardized test scores to determine acquisition of critical content knowledge. All of these measures should be calculated by school, district, and subgroup to ensure that all students are being equally prepared for college and careers.

  • Students understand postsecondary requirements and acquire the knowledge they need to navigate their path toward their postsecondary goals.
  • Students complete college prep requirements and/or a comprehensive curriculum that includes arts, the sciences, and history along with English and math.
  • Students are on track for high school graduation.
  • Students achieve a grade point average that meets graduation and college entrance requirements.
  • Students demonstrate mastery of Common Core State Standards (CCSS) on CCSS-based assessments.
  • Benchmark assessments take place throughout the year.
  • Students register for and complete postsecondary entrance examinations (e.g., PSAT, SAT, ACT).