Strong & Sustainable More and Better Learning Time Ecosystem

Category : Scaling Up

Level : System

Are viable more and better learning time ecosystems present?

To reach the systemic goal of the more and better learning time approach, it is critical that rich learning opportunities are made available to all students. This indicator measures the breadth of expanded learning time implementation across the entire ecosystem, focusing on the number of schools and districts working toward the implementation of more and better learning time approaches and ensuring that students across the system graduate prepared to succeed in college, career, and civic life.

  • A growing number of schools and districts are implementing sustainable more and better learning time approaches.
  • A growing number of school partners such as community-based organizations, outreach college programs, businesses and industries, city-sponsored community programs, and colleges and universities support implementation of more and better learning time across districts.
  • There is growing fiscal support for more and better learning time (through the reallocation of funds and/or other investments such as foundation support).
  • A growing number of research partners are in place, or a growing number of research projects focused on more and better learning time are published or under way.
  • There are a growing number of media, policy, and public references to more and better learning time.